glory choi

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glory choi
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I don’t know and i’m not sure.
definitely lazy if that’s your answer
delve in, dig up
get down on your knees instead
for the answers that’s buried inside your crowded little shed.

adorn feelings with depth and logic
theorize some more on this season’s topic
collect and arrange
wrap biases in worn out sheen
now cuddle up in your one armchair for a believable change of scene

here are some answers but i’m not sure
get up from your shapeless chair by faith in store
swarm with, swim thru
spot out riddles from everything around
and all will be patched and stacked on restorative ground

hoarded guilt sews safety quilts
serpent creeps ruines what you knew
nothing aligns, everything skewed
nothing else but to receive the wreck that’s brand new
nothing more but back to your one armchair to stable your frail

I still don’t know but may be that’s fine
your dimming beginning gives no more to shine
growing obscurity, a different yoke to bear
turn down the naked white light for plain unsattled dust to flare
now watch as they reach for soft warm glitters out the in the dare.


/ ink on paper /