/ a christmas story /
so, we mailed out a bunch of Christmas cards this year, just like how it was done back then.
back when i was younger, very young, my mom used to set up cotton strings across our faux fireplace for all the Christmas cards we received, i’d very carefully hang each new card up according to colors, papers, sizes, different santas… and each day would be different, i’d take them all down and rearrange them in a new way each day, counting as i went, i think once it’d gone up to a hundred something cards! (well maybe i lied about the number, i don’t remember but there were A LOT… and well yes i used to be a lonely single child. haha) Christmas cards in the mail was stirringly exciting, i used to anticipate Christmas like that.
this year, i got to print my own christmas card in my kind of christmas kinda way. and it was one of the secret little missions we did with Letuspress a while ago.
Silver on royal purple – i think back to the day when a king was born to us, quietly and gently, in a humble manger under a shining star in the lonely sky. Christmas – a little love story of the One who loves us so much that He jumped across to be with us. quietly and gently…
Wish you all had a warm and cosy Christmas, wherever you are, with family and friends, remembering that once upon a time, a little love story…